Steps taken to augment resources of Railways to
increase earnings:
Continuous efforts to capture more and more traffic.
Creation of additional capacity and optimum utilization of the existing one.
Improved throughput through increased productivity and efficiency.
Reduction in wagon turn around time.
Simplification and rationalization of tariff.
Market responsive and dynamic tariff policies.
Customer oriented freight policies.
Introduction of engine on load scheme.
Terminal incentive schemes.
Discount on incremental traffic in empty flow direction and lean season.
Introduction of new trains, increase in frequency and extension to existing
trains to capture more passenger traffic.
Extension of Passenger Reservation System and Unreserved Ticketing System
facilities to more and more location.
Introduction of passenger profile management system.
Deployment of additional coaches in patronized trains.
Introduction of premium parcel service.
Leasing of Parcel space in trains.
Introduction of Liberalized Wagon Investment Schemes.
Rail Side Warehousing Terminals through Public Private Partnership.
Steps taken to Control over Expenditure:
Constant endeavour on the part of the Railways to avoid wasteful expenditure.
Control the growth of non-plan expenditure.
Prioritization of expenditure on works for better use of available resources.
Improving staff productivity by better man-power planning.
Better Asset utilization.
Improvement in inventory management.
Optimizing the fuel consumption.
Tight control over expenditure in areas such as contractual payment, overtime
allowance, purchase of material etc.
Austerity and economy measures in areas such as hospitality, publicity,
advertisements, inaugural ceremonies, seminars and workshops, contingent office
expenses etc.
Implementation of the guidelines on expenditure control & management
circulated by the Ministry of Finance on the Railways also.
Rigorous monitoring of expenditure with respect to the monthly budget
This information was given by the Minister of State for Railways Shri Manoj
Sinha in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.
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