Tuesday, October 21, 2014

SCR Intensifies Drive Against Carrying Fire Crackers or Inflammables in Trains

Shri P.K. Srivastava, General Manager, South Central Railway,directed the officials to intensify drive against carrying fire crackers or  inflammables in trains and station premises o­n the eve of Deepavali festival.

During a high level safety review meeting held at Rail Nilayam, Secuderabad today (ie.,20.10.2014), the General Manager instructed that teams of officials from Railway Protection Force (RPF) , Safety and Commercial Branches shall conduct regular checks to prevent  passengers from carrying fire crackers or any other inflammable articles such as Gas Cylinder,  Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene, Stoves, Lantern, Explosive Chemical powder, acids or chemicals in railway  stations in  trains during their journey.

In view of the grave safety risks posed by carriage of  such dangerous materials in trains, the General Manager directed the officials to take stern action against the offenders.  He also directed to prevent smoking in railway premises.

As per section 67, 154, 164 and 165 of the Railways Act 1989, carrying inflammable and explosive articles o­n Railways is a punishable offence with a punishment up to 3 years Jail or fine up to Rs. 1000/- or both, besides being liable for the loss / injury or damage caused. 
SCR cautions all rail users not to carry fire crackers or any other explosive / inflammable articles such as raw materials for fire crackers, Gas Cylinder, Petrol / Diesel / Kerosene, Stoves, Lantern, Explosive Chemical Powder, acids and any  other detonating substances as luggage / parcel with them in railway premises or  in the train compartments.
In the interest of Public Safety, South Central Railway requests the passengers that in case they notice fire crackers or any other suspicious / dangerous explosive / inflammable material in trains or at stations, they may immediately alert the nearest Railway Staff or call o­n the Security Helpline-1322 to enable the Railways to initiate necessary action.

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